SIZE Fitness Boutique

I want to lose belly… I’m going to do sit-ups… Right or Wrong?

Currently, many people want to have a more defined, flatter belly and with more prominent and visible abs. Many think that to lose belly fat, they need to do about 500 sit-ups a day.

This myth seems to remain in the minds of many people, however, it is proven that it is not possible to lose localized fat. That is, it is not by doing sit-ups that I will lose belly fat. The work of fat loss occurs in a general way by the body and it is not possible to define concrete places where fat loss will occur, as it will happen as a whole.
Doing the 500 sit-ups can help you train and develop that same muscle, just like you work any other muscle, however you need to define the training volume well as well as the days that this muscle is trained.

Although toning the muscle can help to make the abs stand out, it will be necessary to reduce the fat layer so that the abs can appear. In this case, food and energy balance become crucial.

Fight for your health and good training,

Cristiana Rosa