SIZE Fitness Boutique


The practice of regular physical exercise over time has several health benefits, not only on a physical level, but also on a mental level. Regarding mental health, some situations can be improved if the individual starts to practice physical exercise:

1-Stress reduction: exercise helps to combat daily stress and allows you to divert attention from what is stressing you to the physical activity that is being carried out.

2-Increase in self-efficacy and confidence: if na individual has changed their behavior to exercise regularly to achieve a goal, this can help to increase their self-efficacy and, consequently, their own confidence.


3-Improved quality of sleep: physical exercise can increase the possibility of a deep sleep, through its effectiveness in reducing stress and having a greater connection with your body.

4-Reducing Anxiety and Depression: Exercise can significantly improve mood, self-esteem and release feel-good endorphins. Group exercise can help with social issues.


Physical exercise helps not only with physical and aesthetic issues, but also with mental health and emotional well-being. The importance of being physically active goes far beyond what we see, but mainly what we feel.


Fight for your health and good training,

Cristiana Rosa