SIZE Fitness Boutique


These days we are faced with a period of confinement. This silent "war", it limits us to the spaces of our homes, we can only leave in cases of first need such as moving to work, buying food or drugs.

The rush of everyday life, which previously allowed us to work, exercise our body and mind, take care of our families, have fun with our friends, has become the peace of our homes, where the days are longer, social isolation is obligatory and our mind and body face the challenge of staying healthy and healthy. We are scared, in the constant question of when we can return toour normal lives and how will this return be?

It is up to each of us to decide whether to go through this phase with our heads held high or whether to give in to inactivity, sedentary lifestyle, and demotivation.

If on the one hand being confined at home is a reason to have more time to watch series, television shows and cook caloric meals, it is also reason to:

1.       Spend time in the family, performing physical activity together.

2.       Schedule the menu for the week, choosing fresh and healthy foods.

3.       Do physical activity consistently and consciously

If you used to apologize about the options of quick meals, and physical inactivity because you didn't have time, now there are no more excuses (and believe me, they were really excuses, because we just don't do what we don't want).

Both for those who already did physical activity and for those who would like to start, but never had the courage to do so, this is the right time! And why is that?

Because you have more time

- Because your family can help you achieve your goals with you

- Because your food can and should be taken care of more

- Because it needs to return to feeling alive, and physical activities such as acute exercise sessions improve mood states, as they decrease feelings of anxiety, depression, anger and increase feelings of arousal, energy andalertness.(Werneck & Navarro, 2011)

No more excuses, losing weight at home is possible! You do not necessarily need a treadmill to do it, or spend hours walking, you do need training planning tailored and individualized to your goals.

It is known that physical exercise associated with  a low calorie  diet  (800 kcal/day) is more efficient than one of these isolated strategies, because it facilitates the maintenance of MCM (lean body mass) along with weight loss. For weight loss, it is important the total amount of energy spent during the 24 hours of the day and not just which substrate is used  during exercise; which justifies the greater efficiency of the exercises performed at higher intensities (approximately 70% of the maximum VO2)..(Hauser) Et al., n.d.)

If you want to lose weight or lose localized fat, look for a specialized professional, you can count on me to accompany you and show you the way to achieve your goal efficiently and healthily.


Good workouts

Carolina Coelho