SIZE Fitness Boutique


Breath. What is it for? Is there a proper way to breathe in the face of activity? Are there benefits and better breathing?

Generally it is through breathing that we oxygenate our body, where nutrients are transported to cells, renewing energy levels and where carbon dioxide releases.

With proper breathing, we can achieve many health benefits from exercise, such as reduced respiratory muscle tension, reduced anxiety, improved feeling of well-being, as well as the promotion of adequate concentration, for a greater efficiency in the execution of the exercise.

In the respiratory process we have two processes, inspiration and exhalation, however, the musculature for these two processes is distinct. In inspiration we have as main muscles, diaphragm, sternocleidomastoid and external intracostal, while on expiration are responsible for the internal intercostal, rectus abdominis and oblique.

There are several different breathing techniques, such as bracing, drawing in and hollowing.

Of these techniques to which I highlight is the "bracing", since it is suitable for strength training, since it consists of the use of diaphragmatic breathing and core activation to consciously increase intra-abdominal pressure, promoting increased column support.

Concluding that breathing during exercise when done correctly effectively assists well-being and relaxation. The diaphragm has a very important function in breathing as well as in the activation of the core and in helping to stabilize the spine.

Always look for the right accompaniment so that your entire training course is performed in the most correct way starting with the simple act of repeating.

Francisco Magalhães